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Code of Conduct

Troupe members are expected to:

  1. Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
  2. Comply with reasonable requirements given by Seigniorage Circus management.
  3. Familiarize themselves with and adhere to Seigniorage Circus policies and procedures.
  4. Carry out their contributions with integrity, care, and diligence.
  5. Promote and protect the good reputation of the Seigniorage Circus.
  6. Preserve the confidentiality of Seigniorage Circus information attained by them in internal communications.
  7. Avoid revealing any internal Seigniorage Circus activity, project, campaign, undertaking, rumor, or initiative, unless specifically authorized, to the Gillies, or anyone without proper clearance.
  8. Continue to develop their effective contribution individually, and by participating in Seigniorage Circus training, whether giving or receiving.
  9. Do not act or speak in a way that is discriminatory towards individuals or groups for reasons of age, disability, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, race, color, faith, marital status, or gender.
  10. Take reasonable steps to ensure both the physical and financial health, safety, and welfare of themselves and other Troupe members.
  11. Avoid misrepresenting the Seigniorage Circus' presence, approval, position, opinion, or endorsement in any official or unofficial capacity.
  12. Refrain from using language that could misalign or mislead the readers/listeners to believe untrue things about the Seigniorage Circus.
  13. Be transparent and communicative about conflicts of interest they may have with official Seigniorage Circus operations.